Last Updated on 2023-06-26
A Social Security Number (SSN) is a nine-digit number (XXX-XX-XXXX) provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) free of charge. It is primarily used for purposes such as filing taxes, accessing credit records (e.g., applying for credit cards or loans), social security benefits, and identification. This section will explain the process of applying for an SSN and obtaining an SSN Denial Letter, including the required documents and procedures.

Safeguard your SSN
Avoid providing or carrying your SSN unless necessary, and try to avoid sending your SSN through email. Typically, banks, credit card companies, employers, and insurance providers may require your SSN for various purposes.
Types of SSN Cards

No restrictions, available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

Indicates “VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION.” Available to foreign individuals legally working in the United States. This guide focuses on this type.

Indicates “NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT.” Available to foreign individuals in the United States who are not authorized to work but need an SSN for other purposes, such as receiving public assistance benefits.
Obtaining an SSN as an International Student
F1 visa students can obtain an SSN through on-campus employment, CPT, or OPT. Refer to the Employment section for more details. Dependents on an F2 visa are not eligible for an SSN as they are not allowed to work. Both J1 and J2 visa holders can apply for an SSN.
SSN Denial Letter
When applying for a driver’s license or state ID without being eligible for an SSN, you must request an SSN Denial Letter (SSA-L676) from the SSA as a substitute.
When to Apply
Whether applying for an SSN or an SSN Denial Letter, you must have completed the OIS/OIE Orientation, and Immigration Check-In Session. In addition, you have been in the United States for at least 10 days.
How to Apply
Most SSA offices do not require appointments
Starting April 12, 2022, most SSA offices have resumed walk-in services for SSN and SSN Denial Letter applications. Some offices may still require appointments by phone. Refer to the SSA’s official website for a detailed list.No jurisdiction limitations
You can apply for an SSN or SSN Denial Letter in person at any SSA office. To find nearby SSA offices, refer to the jurisdiction search.
You need to provide the Social Security Letter (for on-campus employment) or Work Eligibility Document (e.g., CPT I-20, OPT I-20, AT DS-2019) issued by your school.
Process follows the official documents provided by CMU and Pitt. The main steps are as follows:
- Prepare your passport, I-94, I-20, Social Security Letter, EAD (if on OPT), and other relevant documents.
- Visit an SSA office in person to submit your application.
- Your SSN card will be mailed to your address within approximately 7 business days.
Schedule an Appointment (Applicable during the pandemic; may not be required at some offices)
Since each SSA office may have different application procedures, it is recommended to call the SSA office you plan to visit to inquire about their specific process. If walk-in services are not allowed, you can follow the application process below:
- Mail the required documents (copies of I-20, visa, etc.).
- SSA will contact you to schedule an in-person appointment.
- Your SSN card will be mailed to your address.
SSN Denial Letter
You can apply for an SSN Denial Letter independently without needing permission from your school.
Visit an SSA office in person to submit your application, bringing your passport (including the visa) and I-94. The SSA will provide the SSN Denial Letter (SSA-L676) on the spot.
Mailing Application (Applicable during the pandemic; may no longer apply) This process is suitable for the Pittsburgh area:
- Complete Form SS-5 and include a simple explanation, such as “requesting an SSN denial letter for a Pennsylvania driver’s license.”
- Include copies of the passport’s information page (photo page) and the visa page.
- Mail the documents to 6117 Station St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206.
- The SSN Denial Letter (SSA-L676) will be mailed to your address.
SSA Locations
There are two SSA offices near the schools where you can apply for an SSN. For jurisdiction inquiries, refer to the provided link. One office is located in Downtown, and the other is in East Liberty, both easily accessible by public transportation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I work without an SSN?
As long as you have authorization for legal work (such as on-campus employment or an EAD), you can work without an SSN. However, in practice, many companies use SSNs for background checks, which can limit employment opportunities until an SSN is obtained.
What should I do if I cannot apply for an SSN but still need to pay taxes?
If you are on an F visa (or a dependent visa) and are not eligible for an SSN but have received non-wage income during your stay in the United States (e.g., scholarships, grants, stock dividends, gambling/lottery winnings), you must apply for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). For more information, refer to the ITIN introduction.